Keno is a casino game of pure luck and is astonishingly close to Lotto games. The game was brought to the the states by Chinese newcomers in the Nineteenth century. As withlottery games, it’s a dead simple to enjoy, and it’s attractive as big winnings are on offer for awfully tiny wagers. Keno is bet on at bars, clubs and rec centers all around the world. Regrettably it shares another characteristics with lotto games – horrid odds.
Logically, Keno worked its way into online gambling halls as it’s an effortless game to develop, and gambling den providers desired to capture the huge brick and mortar Keno players on the web. What worked in the aid of web gambling halls was that many gamblers were used to betting on Keno using video screens, so the move online was an insignificant barrier that it was with 21.
Internet Keno games is mirror image of land based Keno games in as much as the inner workings of the game. Web Keno also allows you to purchase tickets for between 5 cents and five dollars, and pay in multiples of your card value. Prizes surpassing $50,000 are common.
Easy? Yeah. So there needs to be a hook? Yeah. The casino edge with Keno is 30% or greater, the WORST of any web casino game. The probabilities of hitting a number is 0.25%. Keno is by a huge margin the worst casino game you might possibly wager on. If you are seeking a casino game of speculation gamble on one armed bandits. If you are seeking to throw away money, wager on Keno. Astonishingly few gamblers honestly make any meaningful money.